


Designer Harry Allen revives his upstate New York cottage with subtle modernist makeover

作者:Harry Allen 来源:Harry Allen
2019-02-21 3421 0 0 我也要发布文章 NO.:205

When diehard modernists dream about country life, they tend to conjure images of Mies van der Rohe’s Farnsworth House outside Chicago and Philip Johnson’s iconic house of glass in Connecticut. Harry Allen, a multidisciplinary New York-based designer, working for American residential architecture,  appreciates the allure of those particular archetypes. For years, he nurtured the fantasy of escaping to the city to a sublime modern box nestled discreetly in an idyllic glade.

However, Allen’s path towards Miesian splendour took an abrupt detour when he met his partner, John Holm, an estate gardener in upstate New York. Holm’s 19th-century cottage in suburban Bedford was charming to be sure, but modernist rigour was not among its virtues. When the time came to renovate the erstwhile schoolhouse, Allen entertained the idea of a radical architectural intervention, but he ultimately eschewed that strategy in favour of a more subtle approach.

Harry Allen and John Holm outside their 19th-century cottage in suburban Bedford. Photography: François Dischinger

‘This house has great bones and integrity,’ says the designer. ‘We didn’t want to do a traditional renovation, but we also didn’t want to blow out the back of the house and put in a glass wall. If you go down that road, you can wind up with a really bad hybrid.’ Allen chose to nudge the house in a modern direction by maintaining the basic structure and exterior but tweaking the character of the interior spaces with plays on colour and material. He gave each room a different atmosphere and personality by emphasising one particular surface material or colour.

In the dining room, for example, Allen abstracted the familiar elements of American farmhouse vernacular. He applied the same red oak planks to the floors, walls and ceiling, created an effect along the lines of a pristine Japanese sauna. He then underscored the room’s peculiar quality, at once familiar and unfamiliar, with a dramatic play on scale – a French farm table dwarfed beneath a monumental Japanese paper lantern.



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